Payment Type Sort Order

You can now determine the sort order for your payment types. From The Jenesis Main Screen / Dashboard, go to Utilities in the top navigation and choose Payment Types/Fees.

Enter a number in the Sort column to determine the order of each payment type. You can use who numbers like 1, 2, and 3 and you can also use decimal places like 1.1 and 1.2 to easily change your mind and move payment types around without having to enter all new values again.

The SEO Checklist for Insurance Agencies

There is a lot that goes into optimizing your website for search engines. If you would like an SEO Checklist for Insurance Agencies, I hope this is helpful. Here are a few easy to understand and verify things that improve SEO and help your website rank well and give you the results you are looking for, which for most independent insurance agencies, is more quotes which lead to more customers.

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