Do you have a LinkedIn Business Page?

LinkedIn is a Business to Business social media platform that can help you increase your business in many ways.

  1.  It is a great place to network and increase contacts.
  2.  It can be linked to your website increasing your Google presence.
  3.  You can create posts and link to other sources to increase your audience and your reputation.  This gives you Google power and it also lends to your potential prospects for the future.
  4.  It makes your organization easy to find.

The possibilities are endless.  Social Media is the number one way people get their information in this day and age.   Are you doing all you can to use this amazing avenue for increasing your potential business?

Click Here to learn how to create a LinkedIn Profile for your business.


The Value of Adding Chat to your Website

Jenesis Software offers a variety of helpful tools including the ability for your clients to chat directly from your website with an agent.  This allows quick conversion rates and can help you grow the revenue for your business with immediate response to quote requests and more.  To learn more about our chat options check out the video below.


Marketing to Previous Customers

Marketing to Previous Customers has never been easier that in the Jenesis Agency Management System.  Along with all the amazing communications you can automatically generate, your previous customers just became potential future prospects.  And why not?

Setting them up is easy
Step 1:  Click Utilities from the Main Screen
Step 2:  Go to Agency Setup
Step 3:  Select Communications
Step 4:  Place a Check mark in the box next to the campaign you want to use (in this case previous customer and direct mail, email, text or any combination)
Step 5:  Click the Edit box
Step 6:  Create your content
Step 7:  Set your Criteria

Note:  Email and Text will send automatically.  Direct Mail must be printed through Forms and Letters on the Main Screen.